Downsizing is an intelligent move when you are relocating to a new home. It is not only a cost-effective solution, but it is also a time saving approach. You will not waste any time with packing, loading, unloading, and unpacking things that you don’t really need. Un-cluttering your home is a good way to downsize just before the big move.
There are many challenges when it comes to tossing your belongings. The point of tossing some of your possessions before a big move is to be efficient and not to throw away here in order to buy it new at your destination. Plus, tossing doesn’t necessarily mean throwing away. It can mean donating or selling. So here are some ideas of what to toss:
- Broken objects that cannot be repaired. It can mean anything: chairs with three legs, a broken computer or printer; watches, and other damaged items.
- Forgotten things that you have never used regularly and you don’t intend to start using now; it may mean rarely used kitchen appliances or unused exercise equipment.
- Furniture that doesn’t fit in the new living space: although your new home’s square footage may be similar to your old home, the rooms may be configured differently, preventing you from keeping the same furniture layouts. So measure everything and don’t keep furniture that you don’t have room for.
- Clothes that you are no longer wearing can be tossed. it is incredible just how much clothing you can accumulate over time that you don’t actually wear!
- Toys are something that people tend to keep as a way to preserve memories of their children and youth. In time, you end up collecting a bunch of toys that you will never use again and that will make a lot of kids happy if you donate them instead.
- Magazines and newspapers that are really heavy and that you kept for a reason that made sense at the time. Now, it makes no sense to pay for transporting them.
It is easier to decide what to keep than to decide what to toss. When preparing for a big move, you should take this opportunity to declutter your possessions and get rid of anything you are no longer using. There is nothing better than starting fresh in your new home with only the possessions you really need.
Looking for more tips on how to prepare for your move? Stay tuned to the McWilliams Moving & Storage blog to learn more, and check out our free relocation app for handy tools to keep your move on track.